Chiropractic draws most of its appeal from its natural, holistic and non-invasive approach. You’re not subjected to the distress of surgery or drugs that might be potentially addictive. Instead, a doctor of chiropractic (DC) helps your body gain the capacity to heal itself naturally using a range of techniques.
For the 100+ years that chiropractic therapy has existed, it has largely employed adjustments of the spine and other body parts. Here, a DC uses their hands to apply sudden, controlled forces to the said areas in an effort to relieve pain and improve function. This is what’s known as the “chiropractic adjustment.”
Now, it’s certainly true that adjustment forms the core of the chiropractic method. But that’s not all that a DC does, as conventional wisdom would have you believe — it’s just one of the tools they have at their disposal. A chiropractor can also utilize other therapeutic measures:
• Heat and cold
Heat therapy, or thermotherapy, is highly effective in loosening up stiff muscles and increasing blood flow to promote healing. Chiropractors utilize heating pads or wraps to target specific parts of the body. On the flip side, ice packs can be applied to relieve swelling and inflammation locally, in addition to numbing pain; this is known as cryotherapy. Both techniques can be used separately or in conjunction, depending on the condition.
• Ultrasound
Heat therapy, or thermotherapy, is highly effective in loosening up stiff muscles and increasing blood flow to promote healing. Chiropractors utilize heating pads or wraps to target specific parts of the body. On the flip side, ice packs can be applied to relieve swelling and inflammation locally, in addition to numbing pain; this is known as cryotherapy. Both techniques can be used separately or in conjunction, depending on the condition.
• Diathermy
This works pretty much like ultrasound therapy, employing shortwave electromagnetic waves that radiate heat when they travel through soft tissue. The result is improved blood flow, no more pain or stiffness, and fewer muscle spasms.
• Electrical Stimulation
Yet another way to lessen inflammation and muscle spasms, albeit one that utilizes light electrical pulses. Electrotherapy could also involve the use of TENS, or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulators, to soothe nerves and minimize pain.
• Massage
Massage therapy can help in achieving many different objectives; relieve pain and inflammation, promote blood flow, loosening up muscles prior to an adjustment, and so on. Some chiropractors even have licensed MTs (massage therapists) on-site to perform more advanced techniques such as hot-stone massage.
• Hydrotherapy
It’s not unusual to come across saunas, whirlpools, and such in chiropractic clinics. The reason is simple: Hydrotherapy is quite effective in numbing pain, relieving soreness, improving blood circulation, and promoting healing in general. It can be used to complement the high-tech treatments we’ve just seen, or even as an alternative if necessary.
• Spinal Traction
This involves the use of pulleys and strings (AKA traction devices) to stretch the spine and separate vertebrae. The result is disc decompression and less pressure on nerve roots.
• Mobilization and Stretching
Like chiropractic adjustment, mobilization is a technique used to restore mobility and realign the body — but with less force applied in a much gentler manner. Therapeutic stretching helps achieve the same objectives, in addition to preventing the formation of scar tissue following injury.
• Exercise
Yes, chiropractic care often extends to the exercise you do yourself. Your DC will enlighten you on various routines you’ll be performing to get your body back in shape and prevent injury or illness in the future.
As you can see, chiropractors have lots of options at their disposal to treat discomfort and pain. It’s also worth highlighting that DCs follow the same approach as other practitioners; your doctor will first look at your medical history and perform exams before prescribing treatments. You can, therefore, trust them to make all the right decisions. On that note, let’s look at some of the conditions that can be effectively managed with chiropractic care.
Low Back Pain
About 60-70 percent of all adults have had to deal — or are likely to experience — low back pain at some point in their lives. The condition can be caused by a number of factors, including:
• Sprains and strains
• Herniated discs
• Compression of the sciatic nerve (sciatica)
• Normal wear and tear
Research indicates that chiropractic manipulation of the spine can provide relief for low back pain, the cause notwithstanding. According to a study published in 2018, it may reduce pain intensity to the extent that you wouldn’t have to rely on prescription meds for relief. Patients are also less likely to suffer from a disability, and there were no serious side effects reported whatsoever.
Neck and Shoulder Pain
Everyone wants to walk with their head held high. Simple as it sounds, discomfort in either of these two areas can keep you from doing so with ease. The good news is that your local DC might be able to help.
Neck pain is often the result of a misaligned cervical spine, the seven or so small vertebrae supporting your neck. A few sessions with your chiropractor might be enough to restore alignment, and they’ll prescribe exercises to keep tightness and aches at bay. DC’s are also adept at dealing with shoulder conditions, particularly those caused by inflammation, arthritis, and instability.
A 2000 study conducted by Macquarie University suggested that chiropractic care can tremendously enhance the quality of life for migraine sufferers. About 70 percent of subjects reported dramatic improvements after undergoing spinal manipulative therapy performed by DC’s.
You might also want to try out chiropractic adjustment if you suffer from tension headaches. This is the kind where you feel a dull, nagging pain like you’re wearing an excessively-tight band around your head. Tension headaches are named so because they’re caused by muscular tension emanating from the neck, which in turn is the result of bad posture. A chiropractor can help put your muscles back in the right position and help you make adjustments to avoid imbalance in the future.
Musculoskeletal Conditions
A growing number of patients have experienced relief following chiropractic therapy for the following conditions:
• Osteoarthritis
This refers to swelling and tenderness around the joints caused by excessive wear on the cartilage that cushions your bones. A chiropractor can perform adjustments to relieve the pressure that causes these uncomfortable symptoms.
• Frozen Joints
Chiropractic therapy can further relieve stiffness on joints whose mobility has been restricted by injury or misalignment.
• Plantar Fasciitis
The name might sound unfamiliar, but this is a very common condition. Plantar fasciitis is characterized by a constant ache in the heels while walking, often accompanied by swelling and numbness. Your chiropractor will apply various forms of therapy to restore mobility and function, in addition to prescribing additional self-care measures.
• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
A tingling sensation in your palm has nothing to do with money, as superstition dictates. It could be a sign of carpal tunnel syndrome. A chiropractor will prescribe rehabilitative therapy to relieve pressure on your median nerve, which is what’s causing the strange feeling.
Other musculoskeletal disorders that respond to chiropractic treatment include tendinitis, dislocation, whiplash, ruptured discs and tendons, as well as herniated discs.
Make A Stitch in Time
Why wait until something goes wrong to commence chiropractic therapy? Beyond alleviating illness and suffering, the treatment is also focused on putting your body in the best possible shape. Like any top chiropractic clinic, these Beaverton chiropractors can put you on the right track towards a fitter, more resilient version of yourself by:
• Performing adjustments to increase muscle strength and mobility.
• Helping you adopt the right posture when sitting, standing, walking, and going about your day in general.
• Recommending exercises to include in your daily routine.
• Counseling you on nutritional matters and other aspects of your wellbeing.
Most significantly, chiropractic is the only technique that’s proven to eliminate subluxations (kinks along the spinal cord) that delay immune response. Commence therapy today, and you just never know — it could be the difference between a slight upset and debilitating illness. It’s in your best interest to make an appointment with a chiropractor as soon as you can.